Micromax Canvas Spark 4th Flash Sale registration announced

Micromax Canvas spark is on board due to the Popularity all over the country. Due to the Massive Fans and Brand lovers in country, From past three flash sale Company noted the Overwhelming response. Today (13th May) 12 noon it was 3rd Flash sale and company again marked the greatness of Micromax Canvas Spark. Company happily shared that they recorded the awesome response on the 3rd flash sale and managed to sold out all the units in less than 2 minutes.


Previous two flash sales via snapdeal also got the tremendous response and its one more sale company marked the success story of the affordable canvas spark device. Device is very lovable in the country because Micromax offers lot more trending features at very affordable cost of Rs.4999. Meanwhile company mentioned for the Next Phase of registration.

Registration Stars on – 14th May 12 Noon
Sale Date- 20th May, 12 Noon
Sale via – Snapdeal

Also See – Micromax Canvas Spark Specifications

If you failed to get Masterpiece by Micromax, Its one more chance to get your favorite device which is getting the lots of love from the country people. Smartphone gone popular by tagline “CAN FIRE UP YOUR WORLD”. Hover to the Snapdeal site and Register on time. Make sure you’ll have the Faster Internet connection because Its the Flash sale and phones are served on First Come First Served Basis.

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