Facebook Testing ‘Sell stuffs’ feature for Buy/Sell Groups

Facebook is planning to rolling out the new “Sell Something” feature for the Facebook groups users. Currently the feature is not available to all the Facebook groups but as a test it only available to the selected group who have the purpose of buying and selling the goods online. Facebook “sell something” option will be available to the users just like the Write Post button on the Group. Its not the complicated one and does not guaranties on the selling and buying goods but it only allows the users to set the Active platform for buying and selling the stuffs.

Users who want to sell the goods can post the update in a group by mentioning the “What are you selling?”, “Price”, “Item Description”, “Adding Picture of an Item”, “Provide Delivery or Pickup instructions” etc. Which make it easier to sell the Goods and services online. Facebook is not responsible for selling goods  in the Group but its the responsibility of the Buyers and sellers in the Facebook Group.

How Selling and Buying will be performed ? –

The Buyer who is interested in the Goods and service can directly contact to the intended seller regarding the delivery options and more details. Send message option will be available to the Facebook group and group members can directly contact to the person by personal message using the chat options. Anyone in the conversation can add the Members in the Group to discuss about the Goods and newly added member can able to see the earlier message conversation as well. See the Demo Image below by one of the Group on how end post looks like.
This is the Small test on new “Sell something” feature by Facebook for the Facebook Groups and option currently available to the groups which is Buying/Selling things.

Image Credit – Twitter Post update.

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