Impact of changing blogger to custom domain

Blogger is the important for every content writer but it gives you the URL which ends with the which is not looks professional and it shows that you are not serious about your blog. So when you start your blogging carrier then it is good to use blogspot domain but as you become more serious about your blog and giving time to your blog then change it to the custom domain.
Blogger allows to change your domain to the new custom domain. Inside blogger dashboard move to the Settings> Basic> publishing. Here you are having option to change the blogger URL to the new custom one. For that you need to buy the new domain from any of the popular domain provider and get your custom domain like Your blog looks professional with new custom domain But if you are having much content and have better ranking and indexing status then there are several drawbacks while changing the existing blog domain to the new custom domains.

1. Affects website indexing and ranking:

After changing the URL of the blog, it takes much time to re-index all your blog content and you can also check your website risk and ranking for site status. New custom domain treated as the new website and indexing and ranking start from scratch. Search engines crawls domain as new website. You can verify your previous blog and new blog for rank using above guide.

2. Affects Google+ comments:

When you change your domain to the custom one then it negatively affects the existing Google+ comments and all previous Google+ comments gets removed from your blog and it relatively affects your Google and other search engine indexing.

3. Another Email Account required to apply for Adsense:

Previously you gone through the adsense with default blogspot domain but it’s not approved but when now you plan to apply for adsense again then it won’t allows you to use the same adsense email because you have new custom domain and which is treated as the new website and adsense not allows to change the previous blogspot domain to new custom. For that you are required to get new Email account to apply for adsense. Guide to Apply for Adsense with blogger new custom domain.

4. Drastic change required at several locations:

After changing the blogger url to the custom one it is required to change the entries of website at below locations.

  • Required to change website at several social network profiles and pages.
  • Required to change the verified URL at Google+ to get authorship of new domain.
  • Required to change the Sitemap and robot.txt file with new domain.
  • Required to change the Google Webmasters Tools Domain with newer one.
  • Required to structuring and highlighting data again in Webmasters Tools.
  • Required to change the domain in Google Analytics to get traffic details again.

So, its become headache for you because it affects indexing, ranking and required to change several locations as well.

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